My research projects
The projects described below are investigations I performed in collaboration with other people. I led the study in some of them, while in others, I helped to collect the data.
Cognition in neotropical parrots
I plan to explore the cognitive capabilities of parrots as my postdoc project. I am working with three neotropical species: red-and-green macaws, turquoise-fronted parrots, & mitred parakeets, and I will be happy to include more. I am conducting the experiments at Temaikèn zoo in collaboration with Juan Carlos Reboreda (IEGEBA, CONICET-UBA), Alex Kacelnik (University of Oxford), Laura Marina Biondi (IIMyC, CONICET-UNDMP), & María Alicia de la Colina (Temaikèn).

Spatial memory & cognitive abilities in cowbirds
I conducted this research for my PhD. This project aimed to study if there were sex differences in the cognitive abilities and spatial memory in shiny and screaming cowbird associated with their parasitic behavior and reproductive strategy.
Problem solving & tool use in jays
A side-project I enjoyed very much. I tested plush-crested jays (a neotropical corvid) in two problem-solving tasks: one of them involved the use of a rake to get a reward, the other was a mechanical problem. I work at the Temaikèn zoo in collaboration with Lauriane Rat-Fischer (Université Paris Nanterre), Juan Carlos Reboreda (IEGEBA,CONICET-UBA), Alex Kacelnik (University of Oxford), & María Alicia de la Colina (Temaikèn).

Molecular sexing in songbirds
The principal objective of this project is to provide a unique and relatively low-cost protocol to determine sex in songbirds. While it started with a protocol tested principally on jays, we plan to provide a list of species, mainly neotropical ones, that we could sex using the same protocol. This project was conceptualized in collaboration with Raúl Orencio Gómez (CONICET-UBA).
Skull morphology in blackbirds
This project is led by Raúl Orencio Gómez (CONICET-UBA). I helped photograph specimens from collections of AMNH, MACN & Field Museum. This project aimed to explore the osteology and evolution of the craniomandibular complex in blackbirds (Icteridae).

Song repertoire in the endangered saffron-cowled blackbird
I started this project during COVID-19 pandemic along with Camila Del Pup. We studied if there were differences between the song repertoire of the different populations of the species. It belonged to Camila´s thesis but we plan to keep studying this in collaboration with Florencia Pucheta (CECOAL, CONICET).
Interspecific variability in shiny cowbirds
This project was part of my PhD research proposal. I studied neophobia, explorative behavior, and aggression in shiny cowbirds to explore if there are any sex differences in these traits and how they correlate with cognitive performance. Rather than assign each individual to an arbitrary category of "personality", I plan to integrate different dimensions of the variability in a score using multivariate analysis.

Ecology and conservation of striated caracara (Phalcoboenus australis)
This project is led by Ulises Balza (CADIC, CONICET). He studies the ecology, status, trend, and viability of striated caracara populations associated with native and exotic species in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. I´ve been collaborating with this project since 2019, using blood samples they collect during the campaigns to determine the sex of individuals.